resources and organisations / documentaries / books

resources on veganism
and educating oneself
on the Animal Agriculture Industry

Most people consider themselves animal lovers.

We recognise them not as objects,
but as complex beings with whom we share the planet, our lives, our homes.

We take pleasure from their pleasure, we anguish over their pain,
celebrating their intelligence and individuality as we welcome them into our families,
or revere them in their natural element.

The thought of unnecessarily causing them harm or suffering, is to many, unbearable.

So for those who feed, clothe or entertain us, we choose to follow a narrative that minimises or altogether eliminates their suffering.

The picturesque family farm and the iconic, loving farmer.
A humane and painless end, a small price happily paid for a life well lived.
An arrangement of mutual benefit.

Hidden by this narrative, out of sight, out of mind, they cease to be individuals,
most known only as livestock, faceless units of production in a system of incomprehensible scale,
exempt from the cruelty laws that protect our companion animals.

Their suffering unseen and unheard.
Their value determined only by their usefulness to humankind, rationalised by a belief in our own superiority and the notion that might equals right.

A notion that must be questioned.

Resources and Organisations

HappyCow is a mobile app and website that lists vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants and also a passionate community of over one million vegan-focused members.
Aside from listing restaurants it also lists farmers markets, health food stores and all types of businesses with a vegan focus.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is a non-profit, marine conservation activism organization based in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Washington, in the United States.
Sea Shepherd employs direct action tactics to achieve its goals, most famously by deploying its fleet of ships to track, report on and actively impede the work of fishing vessels believed to be engaged in illegal and unregulated activities causing the unsustainable exploitation of marine life.

Gaia Belgium

GAIA (Global Action in the Interest of Animals vzw) is de invloedrijkste en een van de meeste bekende dierenrechtenorganisaties in Belgiƫ.
Wij vinden dat ook dieren respectvol moeten behandeld worden en recht hebben op een waardig bestaan.
Wij pleiten voor een relatie tussen mens en dier die gekenmerkt wordt door menselijkheid en rechtvaardigheid.



dominion is a documentary about the Australian animal agriculture industry.
Voiced by Joaquin Phoenix, Sia, Rooney Mara and more.

Dominion is free to watch on youtube


seaspiracy is a documentary on the global fishing industry

seaspiracy is available for streaming on netflix


Pignorant is a documentary made by Animal rights activist Joey Carbstrong, it exposes the cruel practices that are employed by the british pork industry

pignorant is available for free streaming on Amazon prime

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to run is a short 20 minute documentary in which three ex-slaughterhouse workers talk about their experiences in the meat industry and how it has affected them.

Nowhere to run is free to watch on youtube

Dairy Disclosed

Dairy disclosed is a short 25 minute documentary about the cruel practices in dairy industry

Dairy disclosed is free to watch on youtube


This is Vegan Propaganda

Ed Winters

Every time we eat, we have the power to radically transform the world we live in.

Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, these issues can be uncomfortable to learn about but the benefits of doing so cannot be overstated. It is quite literally a matter of life and death.
Through exploring the major ways that our current system of animal farming affects the world around us, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that drive our behaviors, This Is Vegan Propaganda answers the pressing question, is there a better way? Whether you are a vegan already or curious to learn more, this book will show you the other side of the story that has been hidden for far too long.
Based on years of research and conversations with slaughterhouse workers and farmers, to animal rights philosophers, environmentalists, and everyday consumers, vegan educator and public speaker Ed Winters will give you the knowledge to understand the true scale and enormity of the issues at stake.

This Is Vegan Propaganda is the empowering and groundbreaking book on veganism that everyone, vegan and skeptic alike, needs to read.