free templates
free templates
free to use graphics, backrgounds and code templates
cute graphics collection
cute graphics and code templates
a large variety of icon makers by independent artists
the geocities animated gif search engine
large collection of pixel art graphics
Alternatives to big technology platforms and programs

browser extensions i use

A youtube customiser, i use this mainly to get rid of reels, home feed and reccomended videos so i dont end up spending more time than necessary on youtube.

I use leechblock to block websites i try to stay away from like social media.

Ublock origin
My ad blocker of choice

I dont really do a lot of online shopping nowadays but its nice to have an automatic coupon code check whenever i do end up buying something.

Search engine that plants trees for every search you do with it and doesnt track you.

youtube channels i enjoy

Kiana Docherty

makes video essays about behavior change, food science and the food industry

Mel Robins

Motivational and informative podcast
(i love mel she's like the mom everyone deserves)

Earthling Ed

Ed Winters is a best-selling author, vegan educator, public speaker and content creator.
Ed has spoken at over 1/3 of UK universities and at every Ivy league college, including as a guest lecturer at Harvard University. In 2022, Ed taught as a Media & Design Fellow at Harvard.

The cottage fairy

girl living in a cottage...cottagecore vibes fr. probably my favourite person posting on youtube.


the ins and outs of the art industry. (has many cool guests!)

Ghil Dirthalen

Dragon age lore

The unexpected gypsy

about journalling and vlogs

The diary of a ceo

interesting interviews


cool people with cool wardrobes


sustainable vegan hacks and vlogs etc

Caroline Winkler

auntie/big sister vibes. good to wacth when feeling lost in life.


i love maya shes such a great cook :) learned many recipes because of her

hitomi mochizuki

mindfullness and vlogs etc

jonna jinton

now i wanna make my own paint out of dirt

Marc Brunet


Nathaniel Drew

guy does things so you dont have to do them. or so you might want to do them. you choose.

Peter Draws

weird guy does art! cool!


also art!!

Rick's Creations

worldbuilding done right

Simply Christine

minimalism mom :)

Tim Mcburnie - The Drawing Codex


Valerie Lin

slow life painting vlogs


MaatschapWij is hét inspiratieplatform voor een socialer, vitaler en duurzamer Nederland. We zetten denkers en doeners in de spotlights.

Ben je op zoek naar co housing of zoek je een bewoner? De zoekertjes zijn de centrale plek om woonruimte in woongemeenschappen te zoeken of aan te bieden.

Topshelf comix
Top Shelf Productions has published critically acclaimed and popularly beloved graphic novels since 1997. Now an imprint of IDW Publishing, Top Shelf continues to showcase the vanguard of the comics medium, publishing works of literary sophistication, visionary artistry, and personal resonance.

I prefer to host most of my video/mp3 content for my website here bcs it takes too much storage otherwise