this is a selection of artbooks i've acquired over the years

official artbooks and professional publications

Devil may cry 5 official artbook

The art of Miyazaki's spirited away

Dreamtime travellers

New fashion illustration

Inside HBO's game of thrones season 3 & 4

The art of Martin Abel OMNIBUS

Fetish Fashion

Avatar The way of water

The world of avatar | a visual exploration

Art & Queer culture

The hchom book

Zines, original comics and other self published smallpress

The art of Jophias

style: zine
artist: Fuzzylunar

See you again, maybe.

style: comic
artist: Vivian Nguyen

knightober 2022

style: zine
artist: Ullbors | Myra Hild

mechtober 2020

style: zine
artist: Ullbors | Myra Hild

beastober 2021

style: zine
artist: Ullbors | Myra Hild

7 years | the sketchbook collection of Molly Nemecek

style: zine
artist: Jakface | Molly Nemecek

And we walked for miles

style: graphic novel
artist: Tara Hamilton | Ali Burke


style: Zine
artist: Anna Van Der Linde


style: Comic
artist: Onzzes

Shopping Fever

style: zine
artist: Zuckerstuckchen

A little bit of everything

style: zine
artist: Spacenipnops †

Gay anatomy guide

style: art book
artist: Jasdavi

Izzy hands

style: zine
artist: Darktarou


style: zine
artist: Eva Mouton

After the storm | sketch collection

style: zine
artist: Aurigae

After the storm chapter 1

style: comic
artist: Aurigae

After the storm chapter 1

style: art book
artist: Luis Esteves

frontier | Anatola Howard

style: zine
artist: Anatola Howard

Coronation day

style: comic
artist: Rakiah

Queens gambit

style: comic
artist: Rakiah

Frontier | Rebecca Sugar

style: comic
artist: Rakiah

I wont say im in love

style: comic
artist: Rakiah