Genesis Fallout is the working title of an original story im currently working on.

please bear with me, im generally pretty slow with writing plots :D

this page is just a long boring blurb of text, it serves more as kind of a wikipedia page on information thats relevant for the story so i dont have to store all of this in my brain or in a notebook where i wont be able to read my own handwriting


Brent Ballard


geology college student

"Might as well see this through. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up as a case study in a future psychology textbook: "The Dangers of Excessive Curiosity and Poor Decision Making."



Police Officer

"Nobody with half a brain would sneak in here. Between the radiation, the guards, and the "shoot first, ask questions later" policy, you'd have to be a complete idiot."

The Rise of CrystalDyne Energy: A History of Power and Corruption

Origins and Early Expansion

CrystalDyne Energy was founded in the early 1990s by industrial magnate William Harrigan, who had a vision to revolutionize the global energy sector.

Originally a small oil and gas company based in Houston, Texas, CrystalDyne made its early profits by acquiring struggling drilling companies in the American Midwest and using aggressive tactics to undercut competitors.

Harrigan’s ruthless approach quickly brought the company into the spotlight, but it wasn’t until the late 1990s that CrystalDyne truly began its ascent to becoming an energy juggernaut.

In 1997, CrystalDyne made a strategic pivot to renewable energy, a move that caught many in the industry by surprise.
Harrigan foresaw the future potential of wind and solar power and began investing heavily in these areas, acquiring cutting-edge technology firms and securing patents that would later become essential to the green energy movement.

This foresight positioned CrystalDyne as a leader not only in traditional energy sectors but also in the emerging market of renewables.

The Energy Empire and Global Dominance

By the early 2000s, CrystalDyne had grown into a multinational conglomerate with a diverse portfolio that spanned oil, natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

This diversification allowed the company to weather the volatility of energy markets better than its competitors and cement its reputation as a powerhouse in the sector.

Aided by aggressive lobbying efforts and deep political connections, CrystalDyne secured government contracts around the world, particularly in regions struggling with energy crises or transitioning away from coal and other fossil fuels.

These contracts often came with exclusivity clauses, giving CrystalDyne near-monopoly control over vast energy grids and resources.

With its exponential growth, the company began acquiring not only smaller energy firms but also tech companies that specialized in data analytics, cybersecurity, and even AI research.

These acquisitions were ostensibly for optimizing energy distribution and efficiency, but they also provided CrystalDyne with an unprecedented amount of data on global energy consumption patterns and potential weaknesses in competitors’ operations.

The First Major Scandal: Project Hades

CrystalDyne’s ambition and willingness to push ethical boundaries led to its first major scandal in 2011: Project Hades. Officially described as an initiative to explore sustainable nuclear fusion, leaked documents revealed that Project Hades was actually a covert research program into advanced energy weaponry.

The technology, if successful, could be used to destabilize enemy infrastructure by targeting power grids and energy plants.
When the documents were leaked by a whistleblower, there was international outrage, and CrystalDyne’s stock plummeted.

However, thanks to an army of lawyers, strategic public relations campaigns, and settlements that never saw the light of day, CrystalDyne managed to weather the storm.

Despite the controversy, Project Hades was never officially shut down, and rumors persisted that the research continued in secret under different names.

The Shifting Focus: Biotechnological and Genetic Research

In the mid-2010s, CrystalDyne began expanding its interests into biotechnological and genetic research, areas seemingly unrelated to its core energy business.
On the surface, the rationale was to develop biofuels and genetically engineered algae that could produce energy more efficiently than existing methods.

However, insiders whispered of far more nefarious experiments.

This is where the true nature of CrystalDyne began to shift.
Reports surfaced about unethical human experimentation, illegal clinical trials, and a growing interest in “enhanced human capabilities.” It was around this time that mysterious disappearances and deaths started to be linked to the conglomerate's new research divisions, but CrystalDyne’s intricate web of legal protections kept any allegations from sticking.

The Present Day: CrystalDyne's Shadow War

Today, CrystalDyne Energy remains one of the most powerful entities on the planet, wielding not just economic power, but also influence over governments, militaries, and global infrastructure.

The conglomerate's portfolio now includes:

Controversies and the Whisper Network

CrystalDyne's name has become synonymous with corruption, manipulation, and ruthless efficiency.

Whistleblowers have tried to expose the conglomerate multiple times, but most end up disappearing, discredited, or, in some cases, dead under mysterious circumstances.
An underground network of former employees, activists, and hackers, often referred to as the “Whisper Network,” has been steadily trying to gather evidence of the company’s darkest dealings.

In recent years, the Whisper Network uncovered hints of a new project within CrystalDyne, codenamed "Project Pandora." Supposedly an offshoot of their biotech and data analytics branches, Project Pandora is rumored to involve the use of advanced neural implants and genetic modifications designed to create “enhanced” individuals capable of extraordinary feats.

However, these experiments have led to unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic results, including the condition that has plagued Ender since his escape from CrystalDyne’s facilities.

The Human Cost: Victims of Progress

As CrystalDyne pushes further into the realm of bioengineering and data control, stories like Ender's—those who were either created, altered, or ruined by the company’s ambitions—have become more frequent.
The public, for the most part, remains unaware of the true extent of these horrors, thanks to CrystalDyne's near-total control over the narrative.

CrystalDyne is now not just an energy company but a symbol of unchecked corporate power—a colossus straddling the line between industry and empire, driven by profit, control, and a vision for a future where they hold all the cards.

Yet for all its influence, CrystalDyne knows it is not invincible.
And with the likes of Ender, Brent, and the Whisper Network coming together, the shadows that have long protected the conglomerate may soon be exposed to the light.

CrystalDyne Energy and the Discovery of Xenocrystallum Mutabillis | X-MUTA

The Initial Discovery: 2007

CrystalDyne’s involvement with Xenocrystallum Mutabillis (often shortened to "X-Muta" in company jargon) began in 2007, during an exploratory drilling operation in the Arctic Circle.

At the time, CrystalDyne was aggressively expanding its oil and natural gas extraction efforts into the polar regions, drawn by untapped reserves believed to lie beneath the ice.

While drilling off the coast of Greenland, a team unexpectedly hit a pocket of a strange crystalline substance embedded deep within the ice shelf.

The initial sample, brought back to the CrystalDyne Arctic Research Station, defied classification.

It was unlike any mineral or compound known to modern science—possessing an ethereal, almost otherworldly luminescence.

Preliminary tests revealed something even more intriguing: when exposed to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, the crystal demonstrated signs of rapid molecular transformation, suggesting it had the ability to alter its structure at a fundamental level.

Project Dawnbreak: 2008 - 2012

Recognizing the potential implications of this discovery, CrystalDyne's Board of Directors immediately greenlit Project Dawnbreak, a top-secret research initiative aimed at understanding and harnessing the properties of the newly dubbed Xenocrystallum Mutabillis. The project was named for the idea of "ushering in a new dawn of scientific discovery."

Project Dawnbreak was divided into multiple phases:

Undeterred, CrystalDyne pushed forward. Secret human trials were conducted, often on unwilling participants sourced from the company's shadowy dealings with various criminal organizations and warlords.

These trials resulted in the deaths of many, but a small number of subjects showed signs of enhanced strength, cognitive ability, and accelerated healing.

However, these "successes" were not without their flaws; the enhancements came with severe psychological instability, uncontrollable aggression, or rapid cellular breakdown.

The Expansion and the True Motives: 2013 - 2018

By 2013, CrystalDyne realized that X-Muta was not just a scientific anomaly but potentially the most significant discovery in human history. The company’s top executives decided to shift Project Dawnbreak’s goals from energy applications to total dominance over the biotech, military, and global control spheres. They began to think of X-Muta as not just a tool, but a key to achieving what they called “The New Genesis”—a future where CrystalDyne would dictate the evolution of humanity itself. During this period, CrystalDyne:

The First Incident and Public Awareness: The Zurich Event (2018)

The veil of secrecy around CrystalDyne’s work with X-Muta was first pierced in 2018, during an event that would later be called "The Zurich Incident." During a high-profile energy summit in Zurich, an experimental device powered by X-Muta, designed to demonstrate the crystal’s energy amplification potential, malfunctioned spectacularly.

The resulting explosion created a localized EMP pulse, followed by a bizarre phenomenon: an energy field that caused several attendees to experience severe hallucinations and, in some cases, neurological shutdown.

While CrystalDyne’s public relations team worked tirelessly to label the event as a freak accident caused by a technical fault, rumors spread quickly.

Independent researchers and whistleblowers began digging deeper, connecting the dots between the incident and CrystalDyne’s hidden projects.

However, the company’s vast influence and disinformation campaigns prevented any substantive evidence from surfacing.

Project Pandora and The Genesis Protocol (2019 - Present)

Following the Zurich Incident, CrystalDyne decided it needed to take its X-Muta research underground.

They rebranded their efforts as Project Pandora, focusing on the integration of X-Muta with advanced neural interfaces and genetic manipulation.

The primary aim shifted from mere enhancement to creating a new generation of beings who would embody a controlled evolution—capable of immense power, but with built-in failsafes to ensure their loyalty to CrystalDyne.

This gave rise to The Genesis Protocol, a top-secret directive that combined the darkest aspects of CrystalDyne’s research:

The Present-Day Conundrum

Today, CrystalDyne's obsession with X-Muta remains one of its most closely guarded secrets.

Despite setbacks and growing rumors about the company’s unethical practices, the conglomerate has kept its focus on X-Muta as the cornerstone of its plans for future dominance.

Whistleblowers, like the members of the Whisper Network, and rogue agents, like Brent and Ender, continue to expose the truth.

However, with every revelation comes the risk of even greater retaliation from CrystalDyne—a company that now sees itself not just as a leader in energy and biotechnology but as the very arbiter of humanity's future.

Xenocrystallum Mutabillis: A Detailed Description

Xenocrystallum Mutabillis (commonly referred to as "X-Muta") is a rare, enigmatic crystalline substance that defies the conventional boundaries of mineralogy, physics, and biology.

Since its discovery in 2007 by CrystalDyne Energy, X-Muta has been at the center of some of the most controversial and secretive research projects in modern history, particularly for its unique properties that challenge the fundamental principles of matter and energy.

Physical Appearance

Color and Luminescence: X-Muta is characterized by its otherworldly luminescence, which seems to shift and pulse with a soft, eerie glow that ranges from deep violet to bright cyan. The glow is not constant; it varies depending on the environment, particularly in response to changes in electromagnetic fields, temperature, and even the presence of organic life.

When exposed to specific frequencies of radiation, the crystal can emit a spectrum of colors, giving it an almost hypnotic appearance.

Structure: At a glance, X-Muta appears as a cluster of jagged, interlocking shards.

The crystal's surface is smooth, but upon closer inspection, it displays a complex network of fractal-like patterns that seem to shift subtly over time, making its structure appear almost fluid.

Despite its seemingly solid state, the crystal’s edges have been known to change shape slightly, suggesting a semi-animate quality.

Density and Hardness: X-Muta is deceptively light for its size, with a density lower than most known minerals.

However, its hardness is inconsistent; while some parts of the crystal are as hard as diamond, others are remarkably brittle.

This unpredictability has led to numerous accidents during handling, as the crystal can shatter unexpectedly or withstand enormous pressure without breaking.

Chemical and Molecular Properties

Molecular Flux State: Unlike any other known substance, X-Muta exists in what CrystalDyne researchers have termed a "molecular flux state." This means its molecular structure is not fixed; instead, it is constantly rearranging itself at a near-microscopic level.

This flux state allows X-Muta to absorb and reflect energy in unique ways, making it appear almost alive to some observers.

Attempts to catalog its precise chemical composition have been stymied by this constant state of change; the crystal's atoms seem to reconfigure themselves based on environmental stimuli.

Energy Absorption and Amplification: X-Muta can absorb a wide range of electromagnetic frequencies, from gamma rays to infrared light.

Once absorbed, the energy is not merely stored but amplified within the crystal matrix. When exposed to certain electromagnetic fields, the crystal can release this energy in a highly focused and intensified form, acting as both a superconductor and an energy amplifier.

This has raised possibilities for its use in advanced energy systems, but the unpredictable nature of the amplification process makes it dangerously unstable. Self-Repair and Regeneration: The crystal demonstrates a rudimentary form of self-repair.

When broken or damaged, smaller fragments can seemingly "heal" over time by reconstituting themselves into new shapes.

This process is poorly understood but appears to involve drawing in ambient energy to rearrange the crystal's molecular structure.

The larger the damage, the longer the regeneration takes, and the crystal may never return to its original form, instead creating new, unpredictable structures.

Effects on Organic Matter

Low-Frequency Radiation Emissions: One of the more troubling properties of X-Muta is its emission of low-frequency radiation that seems to affect living organisms.

Prolonged exposure to these emissions has been documented to interfere with human cognitive functions, causing symptoms that range from mild hallucinations and paranoia to severe mood swings and violent behavior.

Some researchers hypothesize that the radiation might be a form of energy communication or defense mechanism, though this remains speculative.

Interaction with Biological Tissue: X-Muta exhibits a profound and dangerous affinity for organic matter.
In controlled experiments, it has been shown to "bond" with biological cells in unpredictable ways, often resulting in rapid mutation or cellular breakdown.

In animal trials, exposure to X-Muta has led to extreme mutations, including grotesque growths, sudden increases in size or mass, and even instances of reanimated dead tissue.

These results are not consistent, leading to the belief that the crystal’s effects are influenced by variables that are not yet understood.

Hazardous Reactions

Unpredictable Chemical Reactions: When subjected to mechanical stress, such as cutting or grinding, X-Muta often exhibits volatile reactions.

Some samples have spontaneously combusted, releasing bursts of energy that can incinerate nearby material, while others have dissolved into a viscous liquid only to re-solidify moments later in an entirely new crystalline pattern. These reactions suggest that X-Muta possesses a reactive intelligence or at least a feedback mechanism that responds dynamically to external stimuli.

Contamination Risk: X-Muta dust, a byproduct of its fracturing or grinding, is particularly hazardous.

Inhaling the fine crystalline particles can lead to severe respiratory issues, cognitive impairment, and even death.
Protective measures, including specialized breathing apparatus and hazmat suits, are mandatory for anyone working in proximity to raw X-Muta deposits or during containment operations.

Potential Applications and Ethical Concerns

Energy Applications: The potential of X-Muta to revolutionize energy generation is perhaps its most well-known and heavily guarded secret.
Its unique properties as a superconductor and energy amplifier suggest it could lead to the development of energy systems far beyond current technological limits.

However, the instability and danger associated with its use make it a double-edged sword.

Biotechnology and Human Enhancement: CrystalDyne's experiments have also delved into the realm of human enhancement and biocompatibility. While some test subjects exposed to X-Muta show

signs of enhanced strength, speed, cognitive abilities, and rapid healing, the side effects—psychological instability, cellular degradation, and uncontrollable aggression—raise serious ethical questions about the wisdom of such research.

Weaponization: X-Muta’s ability to amplify energy and its unpredictable reactions to external stimuli make it a candidate for advanced weaponry.

Potential applications include energy weapons that can focus and direct amplified electromagnetic pulses, armor systems that use its molecular flux state to absorb and deflect kinetic energy, and even biological weapons that exploit its mutagenic properties.

Conclusion: The Enigma of X-Muta

Xenocrystallum Mutabillis is not just a mineral—it's a potential harbinger of technological revolution and ethical catastrophe.

Its properties challenge our understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology, offering incredible possibilities while posing immense risks.

As long as CrystalDyne and others pursue its secrets, X-Muta stands as both a beacon of what humanity might achieve and a warning of what we might destroy in the process.