
i just filed my first EC sales list, it wasnt as difficult as i expected. sometimes its still weird to consider im like legally self employed.

i dont even know if i did it right or not. guess i'll find out soon enough.

anyway i have to clean my desk and start preparing some things for next weekend.(idk if ims still looking forward to it.)

29/03/2024 - 10:36

talked to my therapist about my plans of quitting my job and doing art fulltime and she actually gave me good advice.

which ill probably talk about later because im editing this in the mobile version of the neocities code editor which feels like hell. (i cant even see where im typing orz)

28/03/2024 - 16:37

went to the store to buy a new mp3 player today but i found out they no longer carry those. So i just ordered one online.

I mainly just want to get rid of my spotify subscription because i no longer want to pay a montly fee for listening to music when i can just as easily rip music from cds and listen it without having to pay a single penny for it.