24/06/2024 - 17:55



i dont know how much longer i can keep doing this stupid job.

i think its best i just go to bed. ive had enough for today.

20/06/2024 - 22:16

keep thinking about my dad.
i feel like i havent been inquisitive enough about his death, ive had questions and doubts and assumptions about it but i never really talked to anyone about it.

it would probably be the wisest if i just let it go and never think about it again


finished doing most of my packing for dokomi so i can rest easy for the next week or so.
fingers crossed i'll sell out of most things, no idea what kinda turn out i should expect.

It feels like so many things are happening at once. i'm sure i'll be quitting my job next month, thank fuck, it's been long overdue.
really excited for what's to come aswell though i can't really say anything about it yet.

i think i'll just clear my desk and spend the rest of the evening watching the bridge. im a few episodes in and i really like it. only thing is crime series tend to make me very anxious, idk why or if thats something other people feel too.
like i want to watch more but it also makes me feel uneasy.
the plot is good tho.
that reminds me i should reaally finish Hannibal sometime but the graphic crime scenes in it make me so uneasy

oh and i might take a new direction with the plot for the webcomic im trying to write, it's very slow going but i'll get to it at some point! i don't want to tell anyone about it though because i feel like everytime i talk to someone about projects i want to do, if i dont deliver them in a certain amount of time people will start hounding me about it.
i just like to do things on my own time. who if it takes me one year or 5 years to get to it.

maybe some people do but...i don't. too bad i guess

anyway i've done enough for one day so its shower, pyjama and TV for the rest of tonight