27/04/2024 - 18:31

ive completed the dreaded Dokomi 2024 restock yahooo
(or well.. almost, since i still need to order stickerbooks. i didnt dare add them to my order because i was scared they would delay the shipping. ill order those in a bit) for now i think i deserve a nap. mhm.

i should also make a list with everything i still need to do for dokomi. since its a lot.

27/04/2024 - 09:38

to keep food logs in microblog or to give them their own separate page...that is the question...
anyway heres breakfast. had strawberries on toast with agave and nuts today. and peppermint tea.

26/04/2024 - 22:42

got mandarin gelato on my lunch break today even though it was raining.
it was pretty good but i still prefer the grapefruit or blood orange ones!

anyway i will probably order my restock for dokomi tomorrow, i wanted to make some new merch for this order but i just dont have the energy to finish the things i started so it'll have to be for next time. i was going to add keychains for gallagher, aventurine, arleccino and pantalone and also a new notebook design. welp. next time then.
i will however also order new patreon merch but i'll have it in a separate order because i dont want to delay my dokomi stock.

still got a lot to plan but first sleep.

oh and i made some progress on my ocs page!! good stuff. its not quite ready to be added to my index page but i'll style it tomorrow so it looks presentable

18/04/2024 - 11:50

going to ikea in a bit. i should really bring some containers to store my stickers but idk if theyll have a size i like. anyway vegan meatballs with jam time!!

15/04/2024 - 21:29

Made it through another day at work yahoo! im getting real tired of it though, i really hope i can mass together enough resources to quit and do art fulltime soon. i did get my first paid illustration gig thats not just a cheap personal commission recently tho so im verrry excited about that!! i'll talk about it at length later.

on matters of my site, i've thought about it some more and ive decided that ill do a complete overhaul of the work ive done on it so far. i feel a little more comfortable in my html/css skills now that ive been fiddling with it for about a month so i want to re do the whole structure of it and make it more cohesive.

dunno when i'll have time for it though bc i have three days off work now but i have like 1000 other things that are more important (i accidentally forgot to pay my fedex bill again and now ICS is on my ass AGAIN)(ive been putting off opening their letters bc i KNOW theyre making me pay a late fee.man...)

i'll see when i get to it! maybe next week or sometime who knows

oh and i made it a little further through GOT and i feel sad for jon now that hes been left at the wall. poor guy. i also weirdly like book Varys a lot more than Series Varys because hes so sassy, why did they not make him more silly in the series, total travesty if you ask me.

14/04/2024 - 21:15

just spent some time styling my diary page. it completely clashes with the vibe of the rest of my website now but i kinda dont gaf.

ill make the rest match a little better later, i also have to do an overhaul of the art posting system bc i dont want to keep creating new pages for every piece i post, so i'll probably end up doing a general gallery of some sort. idk yet.

i've also been so tired lately, ive barely had a moment to myself since facts so im due a day at home just sippin tea and playing video games. i've rlly been itching to break some ground on my prince of persia games. i bought em last year and i still havent made any time to play them...man.

i still REALLY want to post the stuff i got at facts as well, i was sooo happy i found an artist who had DMC merch, i feel like i never really see much niche stuff anymore in artist alley. (then again maybe im just not looking hard enough?? since im chained to my booth most of the time which i dont mind but it leaves less time to go around and really look at others people's booths in great depth, which is mostly what ive missed about going to cons as a visitor, i only have time to quickly skim over people's booths nowadays.

but yeah i know its wishful thinking but i wish artists would make OC/nich merch bc i eat that shit up every time, seeing hazbin stuff at nearly every booth bc people want to cash in on the hype gets so tired so fast.

i dont blame anyone for doing it tbh because we all have to eat at the end of the day, i just wish there was more appreciation from visitors for original and niche artwork. so i guess if you're reading this and you visit conventions, GO ASK ARTISTS ABOUT THEIR ORIGINAL ARTWORK!! AND BUY THAT SHIT!!!!amen

oh i made some headway through GOT today and i really liked the chapter where bran wakes up from his coma where the three eyed raven (crow??) was like "now you know why you must live. because winter is coming."

just thought that was rlly cool. welp

also good to know joff is just as much of a twat in the book as in the series lmao. it'll make his death all the more satisfying >:)

anyway im going to download some games off steam and hope they dont make my pc crash and go to bed bc ive got work again tomorrow.(ew)

07/04/2024 - 07:40

just left for my train but turns out it got cancelled fml so i came back home and im leaving again in 20 minutes.

day 1 at facts went great, im feel like im finally gaining a bit of momentum which is good, i just hope i can keep it up.
ill have to re-order a bunch of stuff for dokomi though because i already sold out of some things.

i also got a bunch of gifts from the sweetest people which ill share later, maybe ill post my con loot here after i get home tonight. if im not way too tired

05/04/2024 - 14:25

finished setting up my booth for the weekend and got back home. taking a nap and then ill prep some last things.

oh i should really make a subpage for vegan resources/documentaries, ill get to that later. potenially ill also make a vegan button for fun

02/04/2024 - 21:59

sometimes i remember tamino has a cover on 'i bet you look good on the dancefloor' by arctic monkeys and its like a godsent every time i rediscover it.

02/04/2024 - 20:32

got a message that my merch might still come in time anyways. praise be, current shipping updates state that it should be arriving tomorrow. im counting on it.

im taking tonight off from doing any work or con preparation because im always useless after a workday. takes too much out of my battery to do anything worthwhile with my evening.

i think ill update my music library page and my bookshelf page.
i'd also like to write reviews for books after i've read them.
and i also want to make a gamelog page where i put all the games ive played to date with reviews and stuff. i've seen some people have really cool gamelog pages.

otherwise uhhh...im making good progress on a game of thrones. it reads a lot faster than i had initially thought.

>01/04/2024 - 20:26

im exhausted jfc.

i'm actually not looking forward to the con this weekend because i only now received a tracking code for the merch i ordered back in january

so i have no idea if the parcel is going to arrive on time.

even if i do miraculously receive my things before the weekend i still need to prep and package everything.

i really thought i oredered my things in time, with almost three months inbetween placing my order and the con but apparently not.

ohwell. i dont want to let this get in the way of me having a good time

even if it means having shit sales this weekend.

im feeling fomo aswell because ive been staying away from fandom spaces, since i want to spend time creating my own stories but i didnt really realise how isolating that can be.

i want to stay away from social media because its detrimental to my mental health but im not used to being withdrawn from constant social loop of posting and liking and reacting and sharing.

i need to learn how to be bored and alone again, and find the joy of missing out, because i feel like i havent done that in a long ass time